Sunday, July 11, 2010

Why is There Actually a Team Jacob?!?!

I apologize for waiting so long to update the blog. It's been a lazy past couple of weeks. I have been off since the end of June and have to go back to work this Friday...which is gonna SUCK! Waking up at 5:45 is gonna be a bitch since 9:00 has pretty much been my new schedule.

Just an FYI, this post is definitely going to embody the title of the blog-random rants. Several things I want to touch on. First is some Eclipse stuff.

Number 1-Why are there even Teams in the saga? I mean, I completely get that Jacob is a vital character in the story, and I love T. Lautner...but Team Jacob?!? WHY? Reality check......HE LOSES!!!!!!!!! I mean honestly, do Team Jacob fans not read the books? When Taylor and Kristen went to the fan event in Austrailia for the Eclipse promo, this interviewer asked these 2 girls why they were Team Jacob fans. One of the girls said, "because Jacob is soooo much sweeter and nicer than Edward." Ummmmmm....excuse me, but what planet do you live on because I'm pretty sure Jacob is an asswipe through 3/4 of the books! I think there is another version of the books floating around somewhere for the Jacob fans....because sometimes I feel like we r not even reading the same ones.

I ran across this shirt on CafePress...oh yes, and I bought it!!!

Speaking of Jacob fans, I went to see Eclipse for the 3rd time by myself (because i'm that cool) the other day. Two middle-aged women sat directly behind me. And I 99.9% sure one of them was an avid Team Jacob fan because every time Taylor came on the screen, she sounded like she had a big O. Seriously, the sounds she made had me throwing up in my mouth a little. I wanted to turn around and be like, "Dude, he just turned 18, that's gross." I'm only 22 and still find it a little weird to stare at his perfectly-sculpted abs. wait what?? lol. Plus, he reminds me wayyyy too much of my brother. Legit, some girls call my brother Jacob Black and Taylor yeah, a little weird for me.

hehe, Taylor I love you, but I thought this was hilarous!

Number 2-To be perfectly honest, I hated the Sia song "My Love" when I bought the Eclipse soundtrack. People were saying it was their fav song from the soundtrack, and I literally thought, "whaaaattt? r we listening to the same thing?!?" But ever since I saw the leg hitch/proposal scene, I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!!! It's like I'm listening to a completely different song. It may have something to do with the fact that I imagine Kristen, er Bella jumping into Rob's, um Edward's arms everytime I hear it.

What did you guys think of the score? I have heard a lot of people say they hated it. Me...I thought it was one of the best scores so far. I am in love with it!

Now for the random...

ummm, HELLO! how in the hell did I miss this?!?!? And then I saw the BTS video of them filming this scene the other day. I guess I was on vacay or something when this came out because I don't know how I missed it. But seeing this reminds me of all the baby talk Rob has done recently ;-) Someone should totally write a fanfic about this...Rob/Kristen/baby.

Some pretty great things have happened recently like this:

0_0!!!!!!!! Holy UNF!

Yes, YEs, YES! Dear Kristen-please always keep ur hair this color. You look GORGEOUS! <3's me

#Trufax-This pic is stuck on the side of my filing cabinet at work. Is that too much? Probably, oh well, I'm pretty sure all of my students have realized my obsession by now. P.S. Yes, I know Taylor is supposed to be in the pic, but it is much better like this ;-)

Can I legit tell you how excited I was when the livestream camera went over to Kristen posing for pics, and then here comes Rob walking up to her??? I'm pretty sure I was on the edge of my chair screaming, "they're gonna do it!!!!" and when they actually did, I literally jumped out of the chair and squealed. I'm glad my brother was in a different room when this happened. Because he already thinks I've gone off the deep end. And I don't think I need to address the way she's clinging to him...that in itself says enough :-) There are tons more pics from that night, so I will address those in another post.

Can we please discuss these? Because I'm pretty sure when I clicked on the link to these fine gems on Twitter, I nearly fell out of my chair. I had no idea that these awaited me on the other side of the link, so I was a wee bit unprepared.




Sorry if this post seems unorganized, but I had a lot of random little things I wanted to talk about. Promise the next post will be a little bit more coherent. I'm still trying to navigate my way through using blogger.

One little thing I wanted to discuss before ending is a post I want to do in the near future. It is a post that would be loads of fun with participation from you guys. So let your friends know (because doing this with only 4 followers aint gonna cut it). I want to do a Breaking Dawn fantasy post...because let's be serious, we're gonna need something to tide us over until next FREAKING November when the 1st part comes out. This depresses me, but I guess set pics for Breaking Dawn are only a couple months away.

Anyway, the things I want to post about are like fantasy:

1.) Wedding dress
2.) Decor
3.) Flowers
4.) Wedding songs
5.) Honeymoon location
6.) Honeymoon house
7.) Honeymoon songs (naughty or nice ;-))
8.) What their cottage would look like

...or anything else you guys can think of to discuss. So get this out there to your friends, and I will try to compile a big post for this. I think it will be lots of fun! And who knows, maybe we will send our ideas/demands to MR ;-)

big shout out to @vonch on Twitter for the push to update my blog!


  1. Yay! You're lovely, and I really enjoy your blog! Sorry it's taken me a little too long in getting over here, but I'm glad I did. I must say, I echo your sentiments pretty closely, love. I love TLautner, but am confuzzled as to how the uprising for Team Jacob surfaced during these months. The first showing of Eclipse I saw, the theater seemed split 60/40 in favor of Jacob. It was annoying as hell. The two friends I went with, for Christ's sake, were Team Jake! Anyway, recap: Love Lautner. Puzzled as to the upsurge for Jake support. The HB Outtakes? Not. Even. Funny. Legit passed out for a few seconds. Your posted pics are probably the same I'll allude to in my blog this week. PERFECTION. Keep writing, babe. It suits you well! xo, kj

  2. @Ana glad u liked it bb!!! Thanks for the support. Glad u found me. Come back and visit!

  3. @kj I appreciate u coming to visit the blog! And this team Jacob stuff seriously baffles me. And yeah I'd say the majority of the theaters I was in were team Jacob. WTH?!?! I just don't understand it. Oh well...we know who has her heart in the end ;-)


  4. @kj I accidentally published that last comment without finishing. Haha! But yeah stop by the blog anytime. It needs support. Lol.

    Cant wait until ur next post <3
