Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Choice of the People (aka Lose of Brain Cells)

Before we dive into the abomination that was the People's Choice Awards, we shall discuss the new WFE trailer. Because OMG, major CHILLLLLLLLSSSSSSS! I have to be totally honest, the first trailer didn't give me chills. Although, it looked beyond amazing, I just didn't get that "chill" factor. However, this new one killed the best way possible. Because look at this...

*HOLY DEAD* excuse me while I rewind this scene a bagillion times. No seriously, I rewinded it like 10 times just to watch this .2 seconds of PRETAY!

The new trailer gaves us some AMAZING new clips. I was a tad disappointed that we didn't have Rob speaking more. COME ON PEOPLE! He utters like 10 words the entire 2 minutes. Moving on, I think what made this trailer so magnificant was the absolutely beautiful song that played throughout. I have had this on repeat ever since.

and here's the trailer just so you have an excuse to replay it over and over again...

Moving on to the People's Choice Awards................

*shakes head in shame* I knew that Rob and Kristen would more than likely not walk the red carpet, but I knew as soon as I didn't watch they would show up. Dearest R&K, I love you but I hate you for making me sit through that shit. not really...but you know what I'm getting at. The hosts=Horrible. The chit chat=Cheesy. It was an hour and a half of pure TORTURE!!!!

So about 45 minutes-1 hour into the show when R/K still weren't there, I was serioulsy like, WTF?!?!?! I just thought the cameraman was failing hard at his job. Because Rob/Kristen are the most important people to pan to...DUH! Finally, we got a glimpse of them. And it made up for the 2 previous hours of completely and utter agony (barely). Enough bitching...onto the pretty! :-)




*To be perfectly honest, I about had a heart attack when I saw QL down there. I was afraid for what she was gonna say.*

**I have opinions about this...but moving on...*

*Proud Boyfriend*

[A/N So sorry for the update delay. Tried to finish this post for about 5 days now. We have a LOT more to discuss later in the week. Some pretty epic things have happened ;-)]


  1. Ok at first I was confused because I knew you had a new post but the first one to come up was the R/K video one that I had commented on... then I scrolled and VOILA!

    Yes, the PCA seriously were worse than having my teeth cleaned at the dentist (and I hate having my teeth cleaned)but R/K made it worth while!! AS they always do! <3

  2. JWink22: do this planet a favor:
    dont dissappear for so long!
    we´ve missed u!
