Monday, January 10, 2011

Using Talent I Do Not Have (aka fanvids)

I was doing good...I had planned on posting a blog this past Friday. Well, that went to the shitter when I couldn't drive to work on Friday. Most of the blog post is finished but all the pretay PCA pics are on my work computer. Why yes, I am too lazy to save them on another computer right now.

*pretty much*

So while we put the PCA blog post on hold until I can get back to work (yes, we are out again today), I wanted to do just a fun post of some awesome fan videos I've ran across the past several months. <---#RunOnSentenceMuch A huge shoutout goes to these respective authors of the videos. Their talent and time they take to create these shows dedication and patience I obviously do not possess. Happy Snow Day lovlies and enjoy the PRETAY!!!

#1 I cannot even begin to tell you how much I FLOVE this video

#2 WIN

#3 another good Joan Jett-inspired song

#4 some LA Eclipse premiere favs...I could watch from :41 to :50 on repeat!

#5 I think the song playing speaks for itself ;-)

#6 N'awwww

#7 *tugs at collar* it's getting a little toasty in here

#8 I think I stopped breathing for a good 10 minutes *p.s. the captions in this vid crack me up!*

[A/N Big shoutout to the creators of these videos. You guys are soooooo incredibly talented! I may try to do a post like this once a week. There are too many awesome videos from talented people to pick from. So this may because a weekly tradition in addition to other blog posts. Also, wanted to thank the regulars that keep coming back to this blog. I know I have not been on top of it as I should be, but the comments from everyone makes it worth it. Lurkers that may visit...don't be shy, I'd love to hear from you! Here's a big thanks to my regulars @takemetobliss @Jayde17 @KJN52 Love you ladies!!! If you get a chance, check out their AMAZING blogs!]


  1. Hi JWink22,
    All great vids. It's funny about the Eclipse premiere vid, I had marked it as a favorite, and I loved the same part you do too. I guess R/K fans think alike! LOL

  2. So the "When you fell, you fell towards Me" video, literally had me in TEARS the other day when i first saw it. True Story.

    I will seriously watch these videos tomorrow when I'm not falling asleep ready to dream of Garrett and Leighton. Oh my God. LOVED them. LOVED the movie. FLOVE FLOVE FLOVE.

