Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Twilight: The Start of a New Obsession

Thought it would be good to tell how I got started into this whole obsession.

**A disclaimer up front should be that I have tv show obsessions. I find a show I like, and I get HOOKED! I'm talking researching the show, the actors, everything I possibly can about it. I never really hooked onto movies because they are usually short-lived...until Twilight....

So when I was working as a student worker at my college, this girl I worked with read Nora Roberts books. We would always talk about which ones we had read. Because let's just face it...unrealistic romance novels are pure WIN! One day while we were at work, she told me about these vampire books she had been reading. I was like, "oh really? what are they about?" She proceeded to give me the rundown and informed me the first book was being made into a movie. I said, "cool, I'll have to check that out!" For those of you who don't know, I was a die-hard Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel fan!!!! Buffy and Angel are one of my top super-hero couples. So I was kinda into the whole vampire genre.

Seriously, who didn't love this???

or this?


Anywho, after she told me about the Twilight series I didn't think much of it. Until I started seeing Facebook bumper stickers about it EVERYWHERE! And I do mean everywhere....they were all about this Edward Cullen. Obsessive Cullen Disorder, I Heart Edward Cullen! Seriously, what is this?!?!?!

I told my brother that if I saw another Edward Cullen sticker, then I was gonna bash the computer screen in. It was beyond annoying. Then when the actually movie came out in theaters, I remember reading the newspaper and seeing that it got a 2 out of 4 stars. I laughed out loud! HAHAHAHA! It did bad! I pointed out to my brother and we laughed together. I was so protective of Buffy and the whole vampire genre that I wanted it to fail.

Fast forward a couple months later when the DVD comes out....I rent it from the RedBox, brother and I watch it together, it ends and I'm like, "that was pretty good!" He said it was good too, but he'll take that confession to the grave before he will ever admit it! So I decide to start reading the books. Read all of them in a couple of weeks. This was the end of my Twilight hate. I was officially a fan.

So I did my research and looked at all the websites and found everything I could on Rob and Kristen. Yes, I have a guilty pleasure of wishing movie/tv couples translate into relationships off-screen. Wishful thinking I know...but seems that wishful thinking did some good ;-)

Even though I consider myself a pretty obsessed Twilight fan, that does not mean I'm one of the crazies who gets those ridiculous tattoos slapped on my body. And I don't have Rob's face plastered all over my wall. Not that Rob's face is a bad thing to be all over my wall, but I'm 22 so that would be a lil weird. My family already thinks I'm beyond obsessed anyway. Don't need to give them a reason to think I've completely dove off the deep end. However, I may be guilty to own tons of Rob/Kristen magazines...who am I kidding, I buy every single one that comes out! And I do own a couple of shirts *guilty face*. But those twilight keychains, lunchboxes, cardboard cutouts, silicone heads (WTF?), vibrators, etc....HELL NO! Some of that stuff is just flat-out embarassing.

But in all seriousness...I think the series tells a great story. It sucks you in, and I don't know why. I think it's such an epic, powerful, passionate love story because of the vampirism. It heightens every emotion and feeling. I don't think a love like that is possible between two humans. It's a type of love we all wish existed. And be makes you wish vamps existed just so you would have the sliver of a chance in meeting an "Edward."

This was an uber long post, and I'm gonna end it before I sound like a complete obsessed weirdo.

Till next time....

1 comment:

  1. Ok - we were meant to be blog friends. I totally loved Buffy back in the day. It was on during my teenage years so I totally looked up to Buffy and LOVED Angel. That was the start of the whole vampire love for me!

    Can't wait to see future posts from you! Cheers!
