Thursday, June 24, 2010

Facepalm, Epic Fail, With a Lil Bit of Win

This post will be a short one (maybe). Just wanted to address a couple of things.

Numero Uno: Does anyone else feel like we’ve seen the same interviews for the Eclipse press tour over and over and over and over again? I don’t mean literally the same interviews…but it might as well be, because they ask the same DAMN questions every single freaking interview!!!!!!!!!!!! “What was it like…the three of you working together,” “How was it filming the Jacob/Bella kiss?” “Taylor, how did you maintain the muscle for this 3rd movie…do u still eat beef patties?” “Was it like wearing that little spandex grey wolf suit?” “What was it like to film the tent scene?” “Tell us about the love triangle.” Seriously, if I hear “love triangle” one more time in an interview, I’m gonna flip my wig!

But the absolute worst question has to be, “So Kristen…Team Edward or Team Jacob?” I mean REALLY!!! How many times does the girl have to answer that question??? It like no answer she gives is good enough. In a nutshell….have you ppl read the books? Kristen supports Bella’s decisions and would follow her gut. This=Edward. Boom bobbit, DONE! Question answered. No wonder she hates this question so much. She’s probably run out of ways to answer it.

I feel like a certain series of questions get established at the beginning of these press tours. After that, the same series of questions circulate through the entire press tour, and it’s like no one can ask something different! I don’t know how they do it. Someone on Twitter last night was talking about if she were Kristen, she would just start making stuff up to amuse herself. One big question that would have been fabulous to ask was about the proposal scene. I don’t care what the question is but anything would have been good. We got NOTHING! I mean zip, nada. I did not hear a single interviewer ask about that scene. It was only questions about the tent scene. I’m really looking forward to that scene, but I totes tired of hearing about it. Am I dumb, or does no one else see the proposal as a vital piece of the story? I heard one person ask about the proposal scene…and it was an interviewer on the red carpet for the Yellow Handkerchief premiere!!! *facepalm* Can I please interview next go around….yes, thanks!

Numero Dos:
Can we PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE get a picture of Rob and Kristen together on the red carpet for the premiere tonight? I mean together, without Taylor. I love him and everything…but it feels like this movie has turned into a Jacob/Bella romance instead of the Edward/Bella romance we all came to love. Rob/Kristen actually play the COUPLE in the movie…so is it too hard to let them pose together? Probably. I’m crossing my fingers though. I will be awake for this thing (which will be way past my bedtime), so I better get something worth staying up till the wee hours of the morning for! Seriously, I will not be a happy camper.

I LEGIT wish I had one of these buttons on my keyboard…I would push it all the time!!! ;-) especially when it comes to Summit’s promo fail of Edward/Bella

ECLIPSE in one week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! R you all excited, cause I can’t freaking wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did anyone catch Jimmy Kimmel last night when the camera shot to the theater watching Eclipse? I saw a meadow scene! Let me be honest, I rewound that .2 blip of second clip to try and figure out what Edward said to Bella. It looked like “Marry Me!” 0_0 DEAD!

And while I'm writing, these two awesome gifts came out.

1.) ummm, yes please!!!!!!!!!!

2.) DEAD...seriously, just cannot form coherent thoughts at the moment.

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